The volatile cattle market did little to deter buyers from attending the Nobbs families 41st annual bull sale at Moura on Friday, which saw a 97 per cent clearance. The Nobbs families offered 88 and sold 85 bulls for an average of $9212, well up on the $7292 average last year, and gross of $783,000. This year it was a Grey Brahman Bull, Garwin 29 offered by Roger and Roslyn Nobbs of Garwin Brahmans, Wingara, Moura, that made the top money of $24,000. Joe and Jill Atkinson, Sanders, Dingo, out-bid Theodore's McIntyre Cattle Co, to secure the 33-month-old Bull. The heaviest bull offered on the day tipped the scales at 1006 kilograms and measured 42 centimetres in the scrotal. Sired by Garwin R29 and out of a select Garwin purebred Brahman cow, the sire prospect had an eye muscle area of 151 square centimetres, P8 and rib fat of 11mm and 8mm respectively, and an intramuscular fat of 5.0 pc. Second top price Bull Cordelia 10/1, with buyer Cathy Hoare of Braylyn Charbrays, Rockview, Bluff, selling agent Randall Spann, Elders, and vendor Chas Nobbs of Cordelia Charbray Stud, the price of $20,000 was achieved in the Charbray section of the draft. Cathy and Ashlyn Hoare of Braylyn Charbrays, Rockview, Bluff, waited until late in the catalogue to secure the 748kg, Charbray Bull Cordelia 10/1. With an EMA of 141sq cm, he had a P8 and rib fat score of 11mm and 9mm respectively, and an IMF of 4.7pc. The grey and red Brahman component saw 43 Bulls sell for an average of $8269. The Charbray portion of the sale saw 17 Bulls sell for an average of $9047. The Brangus and Ultrablack Bull component of the sale saw spirited bidding across buyer's galley. An influx of Brangus and Ultrablack bulls this year piqued the buyer's gallery on the day, with 20 Bulls sold for a strong average of $11,880. Jeff Hyden, Mt Pleasant, Rolleston, paid $16,000 twice to secure the two top Brangus Bulls Yoman 426/1 and Yoman 101/1. Mr Hyden waited late in the catalogue to secure six Brangus Bulls for an average of $14,000/hd.Neal and Linda Lynch of Lyndhurst Stud, sold 14 bulls to average $6642/hd.
Chas and Judy Nobbs of Cordelia Charbray Stud, sold nine bulls to average $11,777/hd.
Roger and Roslyn Nobbs of Garwin Brahman Stud, Moura, sold 26 Bulls to average $8615/hd. Stewart and Stephanie Nobbs of Yoman Cattle Company, sold 33 Bulls to average $10,515/hd. Bulk buying honors went to two operations on the day, with Bloxsom Family Trust, Rolleston, securing 10 Bulls for an average of $5800/hd, while McIntyre Cattle Co, Theodore, purchased nine Bulls for an average of $7222/hd. Selling agents were Elders with Randell Spann and Mark Scholes undertaking the auctioneering duties.
Article and Header photo by Ben Harden, QCL - 16 Sep 2022
Sale Day Photos by Stephanie Nobbs
Chas and Judy Nobbs of Cordelia Charbray Stud, sold nine bulls to average $11,777/hd.
Roger and Roslyn Nobbs of Garwin Brahman Stud, Moura, sold 26 Bulls to average $8615/hd. Stewart and Stephanie Nobbs of Yoman Cattle Company, sold 33 Bulls to average $10,515/hd. Bulk buying honors went to two operations on the day, with Bloxsom Family Trust, Rolleston, securing 10 Bulls for an average of $5800/hd, while McIntyre Cattle Co, Theodore, purchased nine Bulls for an average of $7222/hd. Selling agents were Elders with Randell Spann and Mark Scholes undertaking the auctioneering duties.
Article and Header photo by Ben Harden, QCL - 16 Sep 2022
Sale Day Photos by Stephanie Nobbs